New Emme 3

The New Emme 3 company, with twenty years of experience in the head of pneumatic punching machines production and systems for doors and windows, is situated in the Heart of Mugello Valley in Scarperia e San Piero, Via Paolina Romagnoli, 15.

In 2007 our company acquired the patent for a system of punching machines and interchangeble cutting units outperform the targeted machines that perform only one operation. Our system, in fact, involves yhe purchase of a pneumatic "lung", under which to insert "blocks" (cutting units) that made the different operations needed from clients, as hinged, sliding, lifting and sliding, minimal, which can be changed, form time to time, in a simple way.

Our company use a design and prototyping studio ready to satisfy the clients. The easy way of using our machines and the easy handling, are designed to reduce the overhall dimensions on construction sites to reduce to a mininum the encumbrance in the windows and doors workshop and to optimizing the customer's work.

Everything translate into an excellent use of resources, also regarding the used packaging for transport that is recyclable and reusable without the waste or environmental impact.


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Punzonadora de aluminium

The press PU16/1500 can accomodate 1/2 cutting units, the press PU16/3000-3 can accomodate 3/4 cutting units.
This system of innovative technology, patented in 2007, makes it possible to use a single punching machineon which you insert the cutting units
That allow the lavoration of the profiles.
The targeted advantages of the new system, compared to the old punching machines are:
1) the equipment is lighter and all-around.
2)the reduced stroke of the punching machine, allws for lower air consumation and grater safety for the operator.
3) it makes the organisation of the workshop easier by using different types of punching machines.
4) this innovative, multi-functional unit replaces out- of- date and obsolete machines leaving the work area clutter free, using only the necessary Cutting unit as quickly and economically as possible.

The flexiblity of this system results in a significant cost reduction, a goal which New Emme 3, a young, tecnologically advanced company, has been Committed to since it began manufactoring these punching machines in 2002.

Punzonatrice pneumatica - Aluminijski strojza probisane. - Aluminium Punching Machine - Aluminium stanz maschine - Poinçonneuse en aluminium - Punzonadora de aluminium - Stansmaskin av aluminium - Wykrawarka do aluminium


News Swivel support for punching machine PU16/1500 Sizes: 200mm x 200x100h, weight : 9 kg

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